
Requirements for Residency

What is Claymont looking for?

Motivated individuals who have a strong commitment to their spiritual walk and Inner Life.


The Basics: Individuals who wish to live at Claymont must demonstrate themselves to be self starting, able to follow directions, and able to harmonize with the shifting dynamics and needs of community life. Residents are required to work 40 hours per month, sometimes more depending on the needs of the Seminar and Society Businesses so all applicants should be able to contribute fully. Specific training is not necessary as the community at Claymont will help you to find your niche, but skilled applicants are always appreciated.

Inner Life: Claymont is open to those who walk all paths, but Claymont does have guiding documents, a premise, and a spiritual path. Ideal applicants will have an understanding of the founders and philosophies of Claymont, be willing to learn more about the Fourth Way, and be able to incorporate their spiritual walk with the Inner Life at Claymont.