Summer Seminar 2022: Making Space for Grace
“When I know, I cannot speak.
When I can speak, I do not know”.
Words used intentionally are indispensable. Automatic words – whether spoken, thought or even read – waste energy that might otherwise be used for our transformation. Mahesh Maharshi said we could judge our spiritual development by the degree to which we can stop our thoughts. So how developed are we? And Saint Augustine observed that before God can fill my cup, I must first empty it. How can we make such space? And especially how can we hold inner space open in life?
The more essence is part of our awareness, the fewer automatic words. We see this with practices we know such as relaxing and filling as preparation for morning exercise. Zikr can also interrupt formatory apparatus and bring positive emotion into awareness. Such activities can help bring essence into awareness, but can we live in a way that holds and enhances that awareness? Let’s try.
In memory of Bob Brown who spoke often of making space
The seminar will be led by Hardy Mason. Hardy is a Mevlevi Sufi sheik and long-time student of the Fourth Way.
Practices to include zikr, Movements, practical work outside (weather permitting), turning, and adab (if the group seems ready). In addition, the aim of conscious food preparation and preparation of the dining room in service to all who attend.
Ground Rules: No electronic devices. In case of true emergencies, a telephone number will be provided where calls can be directed. Intentional talking only, with a practical purpose and while sensing. The next activity after each meal will begin after the kitchen bashi says the kitchen and dining room are in good order.
The seminar will begin with dinner at 6:30 pm on Wednesday July 13 and end after lunch on Sunday July 17. Suggested donation for the event is $340 if you are staying at Claymont, and $220 if staying off-site. However, do not let cost prevent you from attending as financial assistance is available.
For more information, and to register, please contact Amy Silver, Registrar, at